Beat Diabetes Happiness Calendar

Feeling joyful has its health perks. A growing body of research suggests that happiness can improve your physical health; feelings of positivity and fulfillment seem to benefit cardiovascular health, the immune system, inflammation levels, and blood pressure, among other things. Happiness has even been linked to a longer lifespan as well as a higher quality of life and well-being.

So join us in 2023 as we pursue happiness together! All you need to do is complete the actions each day according to the calendar. Each intentional activity builds on each other until it becomes a habit, together we can beat diabetes in New Mexico.

To participate, click here.  Receive a gift in the mail when you participate and complete the happiness activity for each day.

The Beat Diabetes song is part of the Prevent Diabetes Challenge initiatives. The song was written by our Prevent Diabetes Co-Chair, Ife Achusim and her son Alex Achusim.  Alex is also the voice to the music!