Heart Disease Stroke Workgroup Meetings


Join a diverse group of partners and collaborate with community members as we work to prevent cardiovascular disease throughout New Mexico. We meet the second Thursday of the month from 11am-Noon.

Health Equity Workgroup


CDPC’s Health Equity Workgroup explores the public health’s role in advancing health equity with racial equity as a major priority and community engagement as a central strategy. We are recruiting members for our new Health Equity Workgroup. We are seeking individuals to help us establish multi-sector collaborations and relationships with diverse communities. There are no…


CDPC & NM ACT Capacity Building Workgroup


NM ACT and CDPC will continue to build capacity through partnerships with interested parties/constituents, continual diversity of funds, and updated resource mapping. Help us grow our organization by joining our workgroup. To join, contact Trish@ChronicDiseaseNM.org.


Health Equity Workgroup


CDPC’s Health Equity Workgroup explores the public health’s role in advancing health equity with racial equity as a major priority and community engagement as a central strategy. We are recruiting members for our new Health Equity Workgroup. We are seeking individuals to help us establish multi-sector collaborations and relationships with diverse communities. There are no…


Prevent Diabetes Workgroup Meeting


Join a diverse group of partners and collaborate with community members as we work to prevent and manage diabetes throughout New Mexico.


CDPC & NM ACT Capacity Building Workgroup


NM ACT and CDPC will continue to build capacity through partnerships with interested parties/constituents, continual diversity of funds, and updated resource mapping. Help us grow our organization by joining our workgroup. To join, contact Trish@ChronicDiseaseNM.org.


Heart Disease Stroke Workgroup Meetings


Join a diverse group of partners and collaborate with community members as we work to prevent cardiovascular disease throughout New Mexico. We meet the second Thursday of the month from 11am-Noon.


CDPC & NM ACT Capacity Building Workgroup


NM ACT and CDPC will continue to build capacity through partnerships with interested parties/constituents, continual diversity of funds, and updated resource mapping. Help us grow our organization by joining our workgroup. To join, contact Trish@ChronicDiseaseNM.org.


Heart Disease Stroke Workgroup Meetings


Join a diverse group of partners and collaborate with community members as we work to prevent cardiovascular disease throughout New Mexico. We meet the second Thursday of the month from 11am-Noon.


Health Equity Workgroup


CDPC’s Health Equity Workgroup explores the public health’s role in advancing health equity with racial equity as a major priority and community engagement as a central strategy. We are recruiting members for our new Health Equity Workgroup. We are seeking individuals to help us establish multi-sector collaborations and relationships with diverse communities. There are no…


Heart Disease Stroke Workgroup Meetings


Join a diverse group of partners and collaborate with community members as we work to prevent cardiovascular disease throughout New Mexico. We meet the second Thursday of the month from 11am-Noon.


Health Equity Workgroup


CDPC’s Health Equity Workgroup explores the public health’s role in advancing health equity with racial equity as a major priority and community engagement as a central strategy. We are recruiting members for our new Health Equity Workgroup. We are seeking individuals to help us establish multi-sector collaborations and relationships with diverse communities. There are no…
