Formed in 1997, The Chronic Disease Prevention Council (CDPC) is a multidisciplinary body of experts seeking to reduce chronic disease in New Mexico. Through quarterly meetings, the Council creates a forum for collaboration and communication to break down disease specific silos and focus on prevention and control issues for chronic diseases, including arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and diseases related to obesity and tobacco use.

CDPC is responsible for the facilitation of the New Mexico Shared Strategic Plan (NMSSP) created by a statewide leadership team in 2010. The NMSSP combines state-level chronic disease specific plans, identifying common risk factors, promoting multi-level prevention and management strategies, and aiming to improve health at both the individual and community level. CDPC and the application of the NMSSP will result in a more coordinated, concerted effort that taps into the skills, talents, and experience of a diversity of organizations.

CDPC began as an advisory group of the New Mexico Department of Health’s Chronic Disease Bureau. The group focused on reducing the burden of multiple chronic diseases through the management of shared risk factors. Funding and guidance from the State and from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) enabled the group to form a cohesive partnership which has grown over the years into its own non-profit organization.

Membership in the CDPC is open to professionals, organizations, and community members with an interest in chronic disease and a commitment to the purpose and mission of the CDPC and who reside or work within the geographical boundaries of the state. Using the NM Shared Strategic Plan, members of the Chronic Disease Prevention Council are working together to reduce the burden of chronic disease on individuals, organizations, communities, and systems in New Mexico.